Stahlwandpool 150 Tief
Stahlwandpool 150 tief
Der komfortable Pool ist ein komplettes Schwimmbad mit Bodenschienen, Handlaufschiene und einer hochwertig verzinkten Stahlmantel. Kick the bucket Aussenwand aus Edelstahl, auf der eine sehr stabile Schutzfolie gelegt wurde, garantieren eine lange Haltbarkeit und bite the dust hohe Sicherheitsstandards der Ibiza Pool. Durch kick the bucket geringe Gewichtszahl des Pools sowie bite the dust hochwertige Bauweise machen unsere Ibiza Pools zu lair meist verkaufsfähigen Pools der Welt.
The pool comprises of a completely hardened steel-protected structure with an aluminum covering, a welded-on PVC liner and an excellent PVC-Poolfolie. The protected construction guarantees that the water temperature stays steady throughout the entire year and keeping up with the pool in great shape is likewise simple. A vital element is the way that the steel shell is sand-impacted and stirred, which builds its strength and protection from consumption, particularly in saltwater pools.
This kind of pool is truly reasonable for various applications, since it isn't just very steady, however can be handily introduced on inclines and lopsided grounds. The way that the pool is rustproof implies that it tends to be introduced on any surface, including black-top and cement.
Moreover, the steel is welded so that no flimsy Stahlpool parts are made, and the welding system is completed at exceptionally high temperatures, which further builds the nature of the pool. This is as a glaring difference to modest, untreated pools which are in many cases corroded after a couple of years, in any event, when they are appropriately kept up with.
We offer a scope of various kinds and sizes of pools, from little oval and gather pools together to enormous achtformige or oval pools that can be utilized in-ground, semi-inground or even over the ground. The level of the pool can be adjusted to individual necessities, contingent upon the area and kind of nursery.
Notwithstanding the fundamental pool bundle, we likewise supply a total arrangement of embellishments, including an electric or manual pool cover, a skimmer, a siphon and a filtersystem. We suggest that all clients painstakingly read and adhere to the gathering and upkeep directions to keep away from harm to the item and guarantee ideal activity. This ensures the life span of the pool and makes it a protected spot for youngsters and grown-ups to swim. Likewise, all wellbeing guidelines should be noticed and sufficient security hardware should be accommodated non-swimmers and swimmers under 5 years old.